Latest Webfolio updates
12/05/2015 17:17 Rangé dans:
ForewordBlog into the catch-up thread
A brief interlude between two status updates to let you know that I have just (re)activated the following RSS feeds, to enable interested readers to catch-up on the 127 first episodes of the development of this NetPlusUltra®-sustained Webfolio:
- "Weblog" page of my Blogfolio 2013: 60 episodes (1),
- "Weblog" page of my Dashfolio 2014: 35 episodes (2),
- "Agenda" page of my Metafolio 2014: 13 episodes (3),
- "Net Watch" page of my Metafolio 2014: 10 episodes (4),
- plus the 9 episodes of the present Dashfolio 2015 (5).
Tip: using an RSS feed aggregator such as LuckNews for Mac, create a dedicated folder and save the above RSS feeds into the latter, so as to aggregate a retro-chronological timeline of my web publications since 12/2012 (see slide n° 5/6 [6]).
Daniela BERNDT
French /
GermanFurther reading
- Blogfolio 2013 > Weblog
- Dashfolio 2014 > Weblog
- Metafolio 2014 > Agenda
- Metafolio 2014 > Net Watch
- Dashfolio 2015 > Weblog
- Dashfolio 2015 > Slidefolio