Dashfolio 2015
The Year of Blogging Convergently

Domain name replacement

Please be informed that I just moved my Gridfolio website from its current address to https://gridfolio.daniela-berndt.foundation (1), as part of an optimization of my portfolio of domain names. The immediate consequence of this operation is that a few links will remain broken until the related update is completed.Continue reading

The grand design

Whether you are a parent, a grandparent or childless…a student or a professional, jobless, or retired, I'd like to invite you on a new conceptual journey - back into childhood this time - with a view to reflecting on the progress accomplished in all areas of soci(et)al modernization, as considered in light of what remains to be achieved.Continue reading

Legal concerns

From an individual's mind-body balance to the author's moral integrity

With the proof of social legitimacy established, let us now turn to the question of how the compliant application of the formula will provide for the legal recognition of a solution's conceptual integrity, with a view to the effective protection of the legitimate author’s moral and financial rights of ownership.Continue reading

Activation post

The power of good impressions, third edition:Continue reading