Dashfolio 2015
The Year of Blogging Convergently

Latest website updates

Before I walk you through the multi-thematic details of the next program status updates, I would like to draw your attention to the Slidefolio (1) and Feedback (2) pages of the present Dashfolio 2015, which I updated yesterday following the recent creation of a private "Yahoo! Group" dedicated to my legal pre-requisites for admission (configuration, goals, Infolio):Continue reading

Creation of a pilot group

In order to overcome the double trouble with a flawed legal framework, and the resulting commercial incidence thereof as exposed in the previous post, it seems quite appropriate at this stage to enable oneself to build upon a "changeblog" such as this one in order to add a promotional layer to the concept solution, which will turn each of the upcoming communications into a new request for proposal intended for a specific group of profiles.Continue reading