Dashfolio 2015
The Year of Blogging Convergently

A perpetual renewal

This Rightsfolio would remain incomplete and somewhat tasteless, a few days from Christmas, without a last cherry on this cake which remains to be shared into conceptually equitable pieces; hence this final contribution which, I hope, will lift the spirits of those afflicted with a tendency to see nothing but the eternal return of the half-empty cup at this period of the year.Continue reading

Conceptual integrity

Contractual implications of such a paradigm shift

The core problem of an internet rooted in an international catalogue of everything that is technically feasible by virtue of the existence of three major cultural conceptions of intellectual property, which, despite their complexity, also seem interestingly complementary, in theory at least, raises the further question of the implications of a change of paradigm towards an "Intranet+" of everything we should consider as humanly legitimate, and therefore admissible for affiliation on the grounds of demonstrated legal codifiability enabling self-sustainable development. Before we proceed any further along this line of reasoning, let us take a closer look at the nature of these cultural differences pertaining to solving the universal self-preservation problem by making intellectual property law applicable (1).Continue reading

Activation post

The power of good impressions, third edition:Continue reading