In the hope of awakening ideas for the reconquest of inner spaces, I’d like to invite you on a journey through the international dimension:
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The House insists on healthy budgets…
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09/05/2015 20:05 Rangé dans:
Orga-tech aspectsTransforming data into knowledge through the publication process
What are the implications of the problem-solving steps presented in the previous articles on the web-enabled publication process (1), starting from the user’s computer environment, through to the author’s presence in the search engines? Let us review the successive checkpoints which pave the way through the development matrix under permanent improvement since October 2012, across the user (2013 [2]), network (2014 [3]) and system environments (2015 [4]).
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13/04/2015 22:28 Rangé dans:
Societal aspectsA matter of relative balance
Let us dive into this new matrix overview with the health and social concerns underlying my societal approach, which - from a conceptual standpoint - refer to the capacity for independence through autonomous reasoning, two qualities without which the claim for a right to moral recognition towards financial self-sustainability would be pointless.
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05/01/2015 16:14 Rangé dans:
ForewordAssuming that you have taken some time to familiarize yourself with this new Dashfolio since the publication thereof on 2015-01-01, it is my pleasure today to inaugurate this Weblog with the present draft agenda, which will expand this year the three info/net/org steps of my incubation process into the next level of conceptual integration; enough to provide for comprehensive RSS coverage.
Continue readingTags:Blogfolio,Checkfolio,Dashfolio,Infolio,Lifefolio,Metafolio,Dot-eu,Dot-info,Dot-net,Dot-org,Testfolio