Let us start by reframing the problem so as to shed some light on what the great social (1) and digital divide (2) feeds upon. The system’s first fracture, which runs along the central columns of slide n°6/6 (representing the social dimensions of networking [3]) is historical as much as cultural, and refers to the political rift between system insiders and outcasts. It virtualizes itself in a second divide, referred to as digital, which is represented along the horizontal line that runs across the social featherweight category, and splits the internet between content consumers and producers.
Since an economic black hole is also the result of a self-fueling reversal of causality, i.e. of an aggregation of multiple cause and effect distortions (solidly rooted in the "EULA 2.0" as far as the internet is concerned [4]), solving the self-inflicted prisoner’s dilemma we are all stuck into, as internet users, is about proceeding in the right logical order to put things straight, or at least, to straighten them out. Good news: unlike space travelers, who end up damned for eternity as soon as they get curious about a worm hole, earthlings hold the superpower of undoing what they have trapped themselves into by force of rushing ahead, which sometimes is as simple as trying to do something the other way around.
Squaring the cycle of diagnostics means considering the internet as one and the same franchise organization, which, once matrixed into the ultimate NetPlusUltra® network, will trigger each "red ocean" cell to reprogram itself into a "blue ocean" solution holding added value with regard to the whole perimeter. Which is why we are not that far either from reuniting the conditions for systemic redeployment into a win-win future. If we want this initiative to be perceived as legitimate across the matrix, we must realize that we are all within our human rights to require an upgrade of international directives towards strategic implementation down to the supranational bodies and their member states.
As the program author in charge of the conceptual implementation thereof through to the end user, I am allowing myself this matrix-based publication shortcut to the Internet Service Providers, to ask the latter to make an effort of optimization towards the transparency (intelligibility), completeness, and complementarity of service offerings, to which it would be appropriate to add a portability option to secure migrations across interfaces, as a guarantee for the restoration of social mobility.
Whether we are consumers, producers, or both, we - internet users - are expected to cope smartly with the plentiful array of possibilities, since the best that we can do is to accompany this migration without changing our mind every other day, which is not only about participating - in a reasonably self-promoting way - in the feedback process of improving the products and services which we use, but also about setting ourselves the right goals for the right reasons right from the start.
As for me, I intend to proceed with the development of my virtual workspaces, since I am also the web integrator of all matrix modules which make up this conceptual web franchising service: this final integration stage starts with my Gridfolio module dedicated to the economic model of Planet+Ultra® (5), stretches across my private production environments, and converges towards a Rightsfolio-inspired vision of the mission to be accomplished (6).
Last but not least: whether you intend to join or not at the end of this general internet reset into legal compliancy, rest assured that you will at least enjoy much more services than are available right now, meaning: access to quality contents conceived with a view to motivating everyone to go further, by participating in the many Q&A forums that franchised members will provide to non-affiliate prospects as part of their conceptual web shops, whereby the latter will be member entities created within the context of a web franchising agreement providing access to the NetPlusUltra®-sustained spectroscopy of humankind’s knowledge.
Daniela BERNDT
French /
GermanFurther reading
- Wikipedia > Social inequality
- Wikipedia > Digital divide
- Dashfolio 2015 > Weblog > Slidefolio
- Wikipedia > End-user license agreement
- Gridfolio 2015 > Homepage
- Rightsfolio 2015 > Homepage