Dashfolio 2015
The Year of Blogging Convergently

Economic concerns

From self-motivation to organizational incentives

With a double guarantee of soci(et)al legitimacy and legal recognition of his·her moral credibility as an author, the essential conditions for the franchised member to set his·her own personal self-motivation dynamics into motion are reunited, which is necessary for productive creativity to gear the system towards sustainable self-funding.

By transmitting the keys to problem-solving inside an anti-sectarian environment, in accordance with the system’s ethics of conceptual neutrality, the NetPlusUltra®-sustained philosophy is all about consolidating such individual and group dynamics, by matrixing the latter through its dedicated framework providing access to equitable funding, and, as such, entirely engineered against all forms of sectarian malpractice, be it discrimination or entrapment in illegal employment by black (hole) marketers.

Once safe from sectarian parasitism, which aims at capturing an individual's self-authoring potential, i.e. the very capital to be capitalized upon, the franchised member will be free to focus on the efforts to be made in order to remain competitive - in Blue Ocean Strategy terms (1), i.e. as a producer of differentiated added value - inside the NetPlusUltra®-sustained franchising network, all the more so as the system’s declared objective is precisely to prevent its members from chasing the wrong dreams (which happens when people get embezzled in the consequences of having over- or underestimed themselves).

This is where the permanent self-assessment imperative comes into the picture, which, by integrating the SWOT analysis (2) rationale into the franchised member’s individual system monitoring dashboard, will help him both to optimize his internal and external structural realities, i.e. to capitalize upon his individual strengths and contextual opportunities during his working time (assets), and to work on his weaknesses to better cope with environmental threats during his leisure time (liabilities), whereby the objective remains to hit two targets with one bullet, according to the conceptual convergence principle.

Considering that all contents that a franchised author produces by accomplishing this permanent mission are engineered to aggregate into a knowledge spectroscopy for decision-making reserved for the franchised members who produce the latter, all conditions are met for an all-time realistic assessment of individual and collective needs. After conceptual budgeting, this virtuous environment provides for the guarantee of sustainable self-funding to which franchised members are entitled in recognition for their undeniable productivity.

The current situation, for me as the master franchising program initiator who had better think about everything for the success of her system and its prospective members, is that I need exactly what I am initiating: i.e. the official recognition of a double proof of moral credibility (since I am the self-authored solution provider) and financial potential (meaning that the opportunity costs of maintaining the status quo are colossal), which will justify the granting of the benefit of the exception confirming the rule, in the form of a refund salary compensating for the moral and financial prejudice effectively suffered (sectarian non-recognition leading to opportunity costs including loss of earnings).

In concrete financial terms: with an entry licence priced at 24 EUR per year for the first service level, I currently need a total of 2084 contributing franchisees, both to cover my individual costs of living as an independent web program manager cyberworking from home hyper-full-time, and to restore pension rights systematically flouted by diverging sectarian interests. A financial salary-based compensation will be necessary until the number of contributing members, translated in fees effectively paid, reaches my breakeven point of master franchising (3), beyond which my billing and servicing entity will be technically enabled to take over and pay me (through my "Next Generation Web Foundation") the salary it (already) owes me as the Founding Manager. In line with this, the present article is intended for independent professionals (4) self-employed in the areas of economics and finance, who see their win-win interest in participating in the deployment of what is as much a conceptual investment fund as a safe value.

All the more so as a guarantee of equitable redistribution of clean capital in favor of the most needy (provided the latter are affiliate members) is itself encoded in the formula: indeed, beyond the breakeven point mentioned above, when the franchised author has reached his cognitive optimum and produces - at his own pace and level - more added value than is humanly possible to consume, the surplus is transparently redistributed (i.e. conceptually reinvested) and credited to the producer as a contribution entitling to a whole array of conceptual incentives, so as to keep the self-motivation dynamics of sustainable self-development virtuously fueled. Finally, I would like to remind you that unlike the internet, which the Social Networks aggregate into a leaking bucket, NetPlusUltra® is a perfectly fraud-proof production environment, making this conclusion the right place to square the underlying demonstration cycle, as it refers back to the NetPlusUltra®-oriented mission statement (5) pertaining to this economic dimension, i.e. to the socio-economic context which inspired me to develop this solution.

Daniela BERNDT
French / German

Further reading
  1. Wikipedia > Blue Ocean Strategy
  2. Testfolio Alpha 2013 > Step 1
  3. Extrafolio 2014 > Membership fees
  4. Extrafolio 2014 > Index of occupations
  5. Exterfolio 2014 > Wealth